Section 504: Technical Assistance Guide Walk-Through - Asynchronous 1020224 Online Course This online session will provide a walk-through of TEA's 504 Technical Assistance Guide. Specific a...
Character TEKS Implementation 101 - ASYNCHRONOUS 1021498 - 01/01/1902 Virtual PD Join us for a session focusing on the requirements surrounding the Character TEKS. Specifically, we...
Universal Screening: What, Why, When & How - ASYNCHRONOUS 1021499 - 01/01/1902 Virtual PD This session will provide an overview of the best practices for Universal Behavioral Screening, incl...
Region 17 Online Administrator Training: Nature and Needs and Program Service Options for Gifted Students 1014153 Online Course The Texas GT State Plan requires administrators who have authority for program decisions to have a m...
Growing Readers, Writers, & Mathematicians! 1060503 Online Course Do you want to GROW future ready and STAAR ready readers, writers, and mathematicians? Then this ser...
Growing Readers, Writers, & Mathematicians! 1060504 Online Course Do you want to GROW future ready and STAAR ready readers, writers, and mathematicians? Then this ser...
Growing Readers, Writers, & Mathematicians! 1060506 Online Course Do you want to GROW future ready and STAAR ready readers, writers, and mathematicians? Then this ser...
Growing Readers, Writers, & Mathematicians! 1060507 Online Course Do you want to GROW future ready and STAAR ready readers, writers, and mathematicians? Then this ser...
Growing Readers, Writers, & Mathematicians! 1060508 Online Course Do you want to GROW future ready and STAAR ready readers, writers, and mathematicians? Then this ser...
Desmos 1063440 - 11/01/2024 Virtual PD Using the Desmos platform as so much more than a graphing calculator!
Region 17 Gifted and Talented Counselor Training 1065674 Online Course This fully online training is required for school counselors that serve gifted students by the Texas...
Region 17's Gifted and Talented 6-Hour Update: Differentiation...Juggling Skills Not Required 1040255 Online Course Differentiated instruction doesn't have to be a juggling act. Participants in this online session w...
Online Gifted and Talented 30 Hours Foundation Course 1065673 Online Course This online course fulfills requirements for all 30 hours of the 5-day foundations training for teac...
Virtual Manipulatives Online Session 1080422 Online Course This training provides a one hour session taking a quick look at virtual manipulatives in the math c...
Eureka Math Overview - Online Workshop 1080421 Online Course Are you new to Eureka math? If so, this online course is for you! During this course you will get ...
Enriching Our Classrooms for Emergent Bilingual Students with CBLI 1083117 Online Course Through this self-paced online course, educators will learn more about Content-based Language Instru...
Science: STAAR Hot Topics 1081452 Online Course Participants will learn about the implementation of the new science TEKS into STAAR for 2025 and bey...
Science: STAAR Review 1082037 Online Course This course will provide teachers with resources and tools for to help prepare their students for ST...
All about Transition- Assessment, Writing Goals, and Coordinated Set of Activities 1072458 - 02/17/2025 Professional Development
TEA has released new and improved workshops for Transition Assessment, Set of Coordinated Activiti...
CTE Training for Administrators Deep Dive: Program Evaluation 1067040 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development Attendees will learn about conducting program evaluations to spearhead program improvement practices...
Template Training for Beginners 1070850 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development This workshop will cover the latest template from Omar Garcia with BOK Financial Securities. This wo...
Teen Dating Safety/Violence and Sexual Misconduct 1051228 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development Teens can become easily victimized by false promise of relationships. Join us for a virtual training...
Template Training for Experienced Users 1070851 - 02/18/2025 Professional Development This workshop will cover the latest template from Omar Garcia with BOK Financial Securities. This wo...
CACFP Enrollment and Eligibility - Live, Online 1078081 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development Join us for a workshop that will provide participants with information needed to identify enrollment...
MEP: Migrant Education Programs 1028664 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development Migrant Education Programs
A Bright Beginning - Lessons and Activities for Literacy and Math 1032838 - 02/19/2025 Professional Development A Bright Beginning is an Early Literacy Program for 3 and 4 year old children in the Texas migrant ...
Let's Talk CCMR 1072480 - 02/19/2025 Virtual PD Join us for a monthly one-hour session dedicated to exploring all aspects of College, Career, and Mi...
CHEMteach 1074613 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development High School chemistry teacher training at LCU's James and Jeanette Ling Science Center.
STAAR Alternate 2 Training 1019417 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development This session will provide training for teachers who administer the STAAR Alt 2 Assessment. Included...
STAAR Reading Prep. for Elementary 2025 1074688 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development Category 1
Eureka Math Internalization Day 1048305 - 02/20/2025 Professional Development
Instructional Materials Publisher Showcase 1066826 - 02/24/2025 Professional Development This day will provide districts time to visit with publishing companies and view their products. Th...
Disability Simulation 1084448 - 02/24/2025 Professional Development Disability experience using station teaching
Library In-Service for Region 17 Librarians 1024894 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development Hosted by Region 17
Business Manager Academy 1051780 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development These days will provide monthly reminders and updates to ensure successful business service operatio...
Embracing Learner Variability: Leveraging UDL for Meaningful Engagement 1074079 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development Motivation and engagement are key to unlocking the full potential of every learner, yet these elemen...
Mental Health Matters: Anxiety 1044496 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development Join us as we delve into the topic of anxiety, approaching it with a trauma-informed perspective. We...
ECSE - Professional Learning Community (PLC) 1044871 - 02/25/2025 Professional Development This PLC supports ECSE teachers and provides information for the specific needs of students qualifyi...
Amplify Internalization 2024-2025 1051320 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development In this training, teachers will be taking a deep dive into module and lesson internalization of Ampl...
Texas Model Guide for School Counselors 1040634 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development This workshop will provide an in-depth exploration of the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Couns...
NSLP Financial Coding and Financial Reporting Requirements + Financial Report Lab Time 1071758 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development This course will assist child nutrition and business official staff to understand the correlation be...
The Teaching Path-Region 17's First Year Teacher Academy 1013926 - 02/26/2025 Professional Development The purpose of this academy is to provide new teachers a pathway for their first year in the classro...
Bridging the Gap: SLPs and School Psychologists in Social Communication 1075186 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development
This interactive workshop is designed for school psychologists and speech-language pathologists ...
The Basics of Records Retention for Student Records 1035747 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development This workshop is for members of the Student Accounting Contract Level II.
This workshop is designe...
STAAR Reading Prep. for Secondary 2025 1074747 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development Category 1
Business Consulting Assistance 1052871 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive consulting assistance o...
G/T Administrators/Counselors Training: Nature & Needs/Service Options/Social Emotional Learning 1065808 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development This G/T training will meet the state requirements for both the Administrator and Counselor training...
Prekindergarten Teacher Professional Learning Community 1044877 - 02/27/2025 Professional Development Come learn about and share all the amazing things going on in the Region 17's Prekindergarten Classr...
Crafting Effective Instruction and IEPs: Strategies for Design and Implementation 1074946 - 02/28/2025 Professional Development
This training session addresses two components from TEA's Rubric of Effective Practices Series for...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 1: Foundations 1046333 - 02/28/2025 Professional Development
Texas Dyslexia Academy 1: Dyslexia Foundations is the first of six training opportunities develope...
Collaborative Pathways: Enhancing Teamwork and Supporting Student Transitions in Special Education 1074950 - 02/28/2025 Professional Development
This training focuses on teamwork and transitions, two essential themes from TEA's Rubric of Effec...
DHH Professional Learning Community 1057305 - 02/28/2025 Professional Development ESC 17 Parent-Infant Advisors, Itinerant teachers, Teachers of the Deaf, RDSPD teachers/staff coming...
Academic Advising for Dual Credit and College Bound HS Students 1040286 - 03/03/2025 Professional Development Join us as we host the South Plains College Dual Credit team as they break down the elements to succ...
CTE Administrator Training Deep Dive: Program Expansion 1067052 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development Attendees will learn strategies for messaging and communication, balancing industry demand and stude...
Eureka Math Internalization Day 1048306 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development
Region 17's 8th Grade Social Studies U Session #5 1048371 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development Each month, 8th grade teachers will meet to do a deep dive into the next units' content and instruct...
Boosting Comprehension in K-2 Readers 1074691 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development Reading comprehension is complex. It is not a single "skill" but an "orchestrated product of a set o...
Region 17's U.S. History EOC Meets to Masters 1048372 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development This training will provide time and support for high school US History teachers to plan instruction ...
Region 17's 8th Grade Social Studies Graduate School Edition 1048370 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development Graduate School Edition will be a series of 3 days, focusing on making connections with our social s...
Think Big Learning Grade 8 STAAR Blitz for 2025 1083113 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development Looking for strategies to address the unique challenges of the 2025 STAAR for Grade 8 Science? Join ...
CEP - Operating & Understanding CEP and Is it Right for Me + CEP Report Lab Time 1071763 - 03/04/2025 Professional Development Participants will gain a foundational understanding of the CEP, originating from the Healthy, Hunger...
Live on Purpose Student Leadership Event 1034224 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development Region 17 is hosting a Student Leadership Conference for students in grades 9-12 who have been ident...
ASCENDER Online Registration - Day 1 1035748 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development This is a 2-day workshop. Day 1 - Basic Admin Overview of PP, detailed setup of Form Types for use i...
Business Manager Academy/Business Consulting Assistance 1051781 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development Business Manager Academy/Business Consulting Assistance
STAAR Writing for Secondary 2025 1084481 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development Addressing STAAR Writing Skills
Think Big Learning Grade 5 STAAR Blitz for 2025 1083114 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development Looking for strategies to address the unique challenges of the 2025 STAAR for Grade 5 Science? Join ...
Technology Solutions 1045605 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development These meetings are a time for district technology staff to come together to network and share issues...
Walsh Webinar 1060526 - 03/05/2025 Professional Development Webinar WG On-Demand series provided by different lawyers at Walsh Gallegos, discussing a variety of...
Youth Mental Health First Aid 1018288 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and r...
Proportionate Share and MOE: An Overview and Analysis 1083916 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development This workshop will provide an overview of both Proportionate Share and Maintenance of Effort in addi...
ASCENDER Online Registration - Day 2 1035749 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development This is a 2-day workshop. Day 2 - ASCENDER New Student Enrollment (Parent), and Campus (accepting ne...
AS+K? Suicide Gatekeeper Training/CALM Training 1061830 - 03/06/2025 Professional Development AS+K? About Suicide to Save A Life (Basic) provides participants with an overview of the basic epide...
Special Education Directors 1038126 - 03/07/2025 Professional Development Special Education Directors
Amplify Internalization 2024-2025 1051326 - 03/07/2025 Professional Development In this training, teachers will be taking a deep dive into module and lesson internalization of Ampl...
R17 Special Education Leadership Network 1065312 - 03/07/2025 Professional Development The Special Education Leadership Network will provide participants with information on a range of sp...
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (CPI) - Initial Training 1041124 - 03/10/2025 Professional Development The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention program is a safe, non-harmful behavior management system designe...
Bilingual/ESL: ESL Supplemental Certification 2-Day Academy 1072875 - 03/10/2025 Professional Development This is a 2-Day test prep for the ESL Supplemental Certification Test #154. All 10 Competencies will...
Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (CPI) - Refresher 1041126 - 03/11/2025 Professional Development The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention program is a safe, nonharmful behavior management system designed...
Unlocking Potential: Flexible Strategies for Action and Expression in UDL 1074874 - 03/11/2025 Professional Development The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principle of Action and Expression recognizes that learners ...
ASCENDER Online Registration LAB DAY 1035750 - 03/11/2025 Professional Development Districts can use this time to get assistance with Online Registration.
Essential Key Performance Indicators for School Nutrition 1074876 - 03/11/2025 Professional Development The purpose of this training is to provide school nutrition professionals with an easy-to-use refere...
Utilizing AI Tools in G/T Instruction 1075656 - 03/11/2025 Professional Development Interested in trying some new AI tools in your classroom but don't know where to start? Teachers who...
Parent & Family Engagement 1045644 - 03/11/2025 Professional Development Attendees will learn Title I, Part A Parent & Family Engagement Program compliance requirements.
Transition Tuesday 1039363 - 03/11/2025 Virtual PD Join in this monthly 1 hour session! Participants will learn tips and strategies for transition plan...
Creating your district's OER Transition Plan for Bluebonnet Learning 1082414 - 03/13/2025 Professional Development For a school district or open-enrollment charter school to qualify for the State-Developed OER Entit...
TSS Design Session 3 - Seagraves ISD and TTU 1075210 - 03/13/2025 Professional Development Design Session 3 with Seagraves ISD and TTU.
ESC 17 Social Studies Leadership Meeting 1072590 - 03/13/2025 Professional Development Join us for a meeting of instructional coaches, curriculum specialists, and department heads as we d...
Career and Technical Education Directors/Administrators - Quarterly Meeting 1067023 - 03/13/2025 Professional Development
Quarterly CTE
Administrator Meetings are designed to offer district leaders with
opportunities t...
STAAR Review 2025 For Math Teachers 1075087 - 03/13/2025 Professional Development Equipping Teachers to Prepare Students for STAAR
All about Transition- Assessment, Writing Goals, and Coordinated Set of Activities 1072460 - 03/24/2025 Professional Development
TEA has released new and improved workshops for Transition Assessment, Set of Coordinated Activiti...
Eureka Math Internalization Day 1048324 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development
Business Manager Academy 1051782 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development These days will provide monthly reminders and updates to ensure successful business service operatio...
Mental Health Matters: Self-Esteem/NSSI 1044498 - 03/25/2025 Professional Development Join us for an insightful exploration of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and self-esteem, approached...
AUesome Wednesdays 1039364 Online Course
In this monthly 1 hour session, participants will learn tips and strategies in working with studen...
Carnegie Learning Internalization Day 1051267 - 03/26/2025 Professional Development Preparing Teachers for Successful Delivery of Carnegie Learning Lessons
Homeless Education Network Roundtable 1034223 - 03/26/2025 Professional Development Join us for our quarterly roundtable where homeless liaisons, administrators, counselors, and other ...
MTSS Lunch & Learn (Virtual Series) 1032828 - 03/26/2025 Professional Development This virtual series focuses on supporting districts and campuses with their MTSS implementation thro...
Connecting With Counselors 1034147 - 03/27/2025 Professional Development Connecting with Counselors is designed for 2nd year plus counselors who would like to simply connect...
College Tour -- Road to Career and Industry Success 1075556 - 03/27/2025 Professional Development Join us for a college tour designed specifically for High School Special Education, Mirgrant, and Mc...
Business Consulting Assistance 1052872 - 03/27/2025 Professional Development These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive consulting assistance o...
Let's Talk CCMR 1072481 - 03/27/2025 Virtual PD Join us for a monthly one-hour session dedicated to exploring all aspects of College, Career, and Mi...
Providers of Dyslexia Instruction - Professional Learning Community (PLC) 1047351 - 03/28/2025 Professional Development This PLC supports teachers who provide the instructional programs to students who have been identifi...
Texas School-Based PT/OT Therapy Webinar Series 1074921 - 03/31/2025 Virtual PD This webinar series was developed in partnership with Apply EBP to address various physical and occu...
New Counselor Network 1034127 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development Please join us for a series of workshops designed to help brand new first year school counselors. I...
Eureka Math Internalization Day 1048334 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development
STAAR Review 2025 For Math Teachers 1075014 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development Equipping Teachers to Prepare Students for STAAR
Covey Leadership Series 1026814 - 04/01/2025 Professional Development Various leadership topics associated and/or presented by Covey coaches.
CTE Administrator Training Fundamental: Program Design 1067060 - 04/02/2025 Professional Development Attendees will learn to identify effective CTE program design elements and practice using tools to e...
Business Manager Academy 1051783 - 04/02/2025 Professional Development These days will provide monthly reminders and updates to ensure successful business service operatio...
Carnegie Learning Internalization Day 1051268 - 04/02/2025 Professional Development Preparing Teachers for Successful Delivery of Carnegie Learning Lessons
MEP: Migrant Education Programs 1028670 - 04/02/2025 Professional Development Migrant Education Programs
Technology Solutions 1045606 - 04/02/2025 Professional Development These meetings are a time for district technology staff to come together to network and share issues...
Bite-Sized PD: 504 Series 1039495 - 04/02/2025 Virtual PD This series provides ongoing1 hour professional development opportunities for 504 coordinators. Add...
ASCENDER Business: Budget and Next Year Payroll 1058445 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development This workshop will review the processing to prepare Budget and Next Year Payroll for building budget...
Budget and Next Year Payroll Preparation 1059096 - 04/03/2025 Professional Development This workshop will review the processing to prepare Budget and Next Year Payroll for building budget...
Special Education Directors 1038128 - 04/04/2025 Professional Development Special Education Directors
R17 Special Education Leadership Network 1065314 - 04/04/2025 Professional Development The Special Education Leadership Network will provide participants with information on a range of sp...
ASCENDER Online Registration LAB DAY 1084443 - 04/08/2025 Professional Development Districts can use this time to get assistance with Online Registration.
Business Consulting Assistance 1052873 - 04/08/2025 Professional Development These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive consulting assistance o...
Eureka Math Internalization Day 1048340 - 04/08/2025 Professional Development
Food Production Records 1074884 - 04/08/2025 Professional Development This course will review the essentials of effective food program management, including TDA's revised...
Youth Mental Health First Aid 1083261 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and r...
STAAR Review 2025 For Math Teachers 1075043 - 04/10/2025 Professional Development Equipping Teachers to Prepare Students for STAAR
Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures 1083060 - 04/11/2025 Virtual PD TSBVI staff will review the CORE Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures, Revised 2nd Edition for TVIs ...
DHH Professional Learning Community 1057321 - 04/11/2025 Professional Development ESC 17 Parent-Infant Advisors, Itinerant teachers, Teachers of the Deaf, RDSPD teachers/staff coming...
Transition Tuesday 1039365 - 04/15/2025 Virtual PD Join in this monthly 1 hour session! Participants will learn tips and strategies for transition plan...
Risk Assessment & Internal Controls with TEA 1073618 - 04/15/2025 Professional Development TEA, as a pass-through entity, is required under Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations to evalu...
AUesome Wednesdays 1039366 Online Course
In this monthly 1 hour session, participants will learn tips and strategies in working with studen...
Amplify Internalization 2024-2025 1051322 - 04/16/2025 Professional Development In this training, teachers will be taking a deep dive into module and lesson internalization of Ampl...
Walsh Webinar 1060528 - 04/16/2025 Professional Development Webinar WG On-Demand series provided by different lawyers at Walsh Gallegos, discussing a variety of...
MTSS Lunch & Learn (Virtual Series) 1032829 - 04/16/2025 Professional Development This virtual series focuses on supporting districts and campuses with their MTSS implementation thro...
Let's Talk CCMR 1072482 - 04/16/2025 Virtual PD Join us for a monthly one-hour session dedicated to exploring all aspects of College, Career, and Mi...
Account Coding Workshop 1059098 - 04/17/2025 Professional Development This workshop will be an overview of the TEA account codes included in Module 1, FAR Appendices, Ver...
Business Manager Academy 1051784 - 04/22/2025 Professional Development These days will provide monthly reminders and updates to ensure successful business service operatio...
ECSE - Professional Learning Community (PLC) 1044872 - 04/22/2025 Professional Development This PLC supports ECSE teachers and provides information for the specific needs of students qualifyi...
Prekindergarten Teacher Professional Learning Community 1044878 - 04/23/2025 Professional Development Come learn about and share all the amazing things going on in the Region 17's Prekindergarten Classr...
Organized, On Time, and Thriving: Building Structured and Positive Classrooms for Every Learner 1074952 - 04/24/2025 Professional Development
Get ready to transform your classroom into a well-oiled, happy learning machine! This fun and enga...
ASCENDER Personnel & Payroll Set-Up Best Practices/Business Consulting Assistance 1081682 - 04/24/2025 Professional Development ASCENDER Personnel & Payroll Set-Up Best Practices/Business Consulting Assistance
Finding Their Voice: Boosting Communication in Every Classroom 1074956 - 04/24/2025 Professional Development
Let's get talking! This lively session dives into the world of communication systems and how to br...
BVI PLC 1033025 - 04/25/2025 Professional Development This session is for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVI) and Certified Orientation an...
Speech-Language Pathology Webinar Series 1041296 - 04/25/2025 Virtual PD This webinar series is a collaboration by all 20 Texas ESC's. Provided are top quality webinars with...
Mental Health Matters: Depression 1044500 - 04/29/2025 Professional Development Join us for a trauma-informed approach addressing depression. Together, we will delve into the multi...
ASCENDER - Ending the School Year - Updates and Reminders-ZOOM 1035754 - 04/30/2025 Professional Development This workshop covers a review and reminders for software procedures for elementary, middle, and high...
Amplify Internalization 2024-2025 1051327 - 04/30/2025 Professional Development In this training, teachers will be taking a deep dive into module and lesson internalization of Ampl...
School Psychologist Region 17 Cohort Meetings 1039494 - 05/01/2025 Professional Development If you are a School Psychologist in Region 17 you won't want to miss it! Come collaborate and get to...
ASCENDER - Ending the School Year 1035755 - 05/01/2025 Professional Development This workshop covers software procedures for elementary, middle, and high school ASCENDER users on c...
Special Education Directors 1038129 - 05/02/2025 Professional Development Special Education Directors
R17 Special Education Leadership Network 1065319 - 05/02/2025 Professional Development The Special Education Leadership Network will provide participants with information on a range of sp...
Community Resource Fair 1065928 - 05/05/2025 Professional Development This free come and go event is an opportunity for parents and professionals to connect with communit...
Transition Tuesday 1039367 - 05/06/2025 Virtual PD Join in this monthly 1 hour session! Participants will learn tips and strategies for transition plan...
Template Training for Beginners 1070852 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development This workshop will cover the latest template from Omar Garcia with BOK Financial Securities. This wo...
Spring Federal Program Updates 1044533 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development Spring Federal Program Updates
MEP: Migrant Education Programs 1039347 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development Migrant Education Programs
End of Year (EOY) LPAC Training 1025300 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development This session will cover information necessary to proceed with EOY LPAC including reclassification cr...
A Bright Beginning - Lessons and Activities for Literacy and Math 1032839 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development A Bright Beginning is an Early Literacy Program for 3 and 4 year old children in the Texas migrant ...
Template Training for Experienced Users 1070853 - 05/06/2025 Professional Development This workshop will cover the latest template from Omar Garcia with BOK Financial Securities. This wo...
AUesome Wednesdays 1039368 Online Course
In this monthly 1 hour session, participants will learn tips and strategies in working with studen...
End of Year (EOY) LPAC Training 1025301 - 05/07/2025 Professional Development This session will cover information necessary to proceed with EOY LPAC including reclassification cr...
Business Manager Academy 1051786 - 05/07/2025 Professional Development These days will provide monthly reminders and updates to ensure successful business service operatio...
Technology Solutions 1045607 - 05/07/2025 Professional Development These meetings are a time for district technology staff to come together to network and share issues...
Youth Mental Health First Aid 1083266 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and r...
Career and Technical Education Directors/Administrators - Quarterly Meeting 1071219 - 05/08/2025 Professional Development
Quarterly CTE
Administrator Meetings are designed to offer district leaders with
opportunities t...
Speech-Language Pathology Webinar Series 1041297 - 05/09/2025 Virtual PD This webinar series is a collaboration by all 20 Texas ESC's. Provided are top quality webinars with...
BVI PLC 1033028 - 05/09/2025 Professional Development This session is for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVI) and Certified Orientation an...
CTE Administrator Training Fundamental: Data-Driven Decision Making 1067046 - 05/13/2025 Professional Development Attendees will learn how to analyze multiple data sources, including College, Career and Military Re...
Business Consulting Assistance 1053051 - 05/13/2025 Professional Development These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive consulting assistance o...
Let's Talk CCMR 1072483 - 05/21/2025 Virtual PD Join us for a monthly one-hour session dedicated to exploring all aspects of College, Career, and Mi...
Business Consulting Assistance 1053053 - 05/22/2025 Professional Development These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive consulting assistance o...
Business Manager Academy 1051787 - 05/27/2025 Professional Development These days will provide monthly reminders and updates to ensure successful business service operatio...
School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas 1058996 - 06/03/2025 Professional Development As required by House Bill 900, 88th R.S. (2023), the Texas State Library and Archives Commission (TS...
Business Manager Academy 1051788 - 06/04/2025 Professional Development These days will provide monthly reminders and updates to ensure successful business service operatio...
Technology Use in Dual Credit Courses 1040288 - 06/09/2025 Professional Development Join us as we host the South Plains College Dual Credit team as they discuss and help you implement ...
Business Consulting Assistance 1053054 - 06/10/2025 Professional Development These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive consulting assistance o...
Centralized Reporting System (CRS) Training 1084295 - 06/10/2025 Professional Development We will look at data in the CRS and how to run reports for STAAR, Interims, and TFAR.
ASCENDER Business: Finance EOY, August Accruals, and First Payroll of the School Year 1059251 - 06/11/2025 Professional Development ASCENDER workshop for the End of Fiscal Year. We will review the process for rolling Budget to Finan...
G/T Administrators/Counselors Training: Nature & Needs/Service Options/Social Emotional Learning 1065811 - 06/12/2025 Professional Development This G/T training will meet the state requirements for both the Administrator and Counselor training...
TexQuest for Elementary 1058789 - 06/16/2025 Professional Development TexQuest is a statewide digital resources program that provides anytime, anywhere access to high qua...
TexQuest for Secondary 1058790 - 06/16/2025 Professional Development TexQuest is a statewide digital resources program that provides anytime, anywhere access to high qua...
Mental Health Matters: Preparing for a Trauma-Informed Year 1044502 - 06/17/2025 Professional Development Join us as we explore topics surrounding trauma, grief, and substance use, equipping you with valuab...
Essential Key Performance Indicators for School Nutrition 1074881 - 06/18/2025 Professional Development The purpose of this training is to provide school nutrition professionals with an easy-to-use refere...
Speech-Language Pathology Webinar Series 1041298 - 06/20/2025 Virtual PD This webinar series is a collaboration by all 20 Texas ESC's. Provided are top quality webinars with...
Youth Mental Health First Aid 1083267 - 06/23/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and r...
Business Manager Academy 1051789 - 06/24/2025 Professional Development These days will provide monthly reminders and updates to ensure successful business service operatio...
Business Consulting Assistance 1053055 - 06/26/2025 Professional Development These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive consulting assistance o...
Psychological First Aid (PFA) 1076466 - 06/26/2025 Professional Development Psychological First Aid (PFA) is an evidence-informed intervention strategy for helping students, fa...
Counselor Make & Take: Techniques for Elementary 1075699 - 06/30/2025 Professional Development Elementary school counselors will learn evidence-based counseling techniques to utilize when working...
Hire Me! Teaching Professional and Employability Skills 1083569 - 06/30/2025 Professional Development As we prepare students for college and careers, professional and employability skills are of utmost ...
Counselor Make & Take: Techniques for Secondary 1075700 - 06/30/2025 Professional Development Secondary school counselors will learn evidence-based counseling techniques to utilize when working ...
Business Manager Academy/Business Consulting Assistance 1051792 - 07/08/2025 Professional Development Business Manager Academy/Business Consulting Assistance
Preparing Your Students for College Admissions Tests 1070452 - 07/10/2025 Professional Development With all of the demands facing them in the classroom, teachers sometimes struggle with identifying r...
Speech-Language Pathology Webinar Series 1041299 - 07/11/2025 Virtual PD This webinar series is a collaboration by all 20 Texas ESC's. Provided are top quality webinars with...
Youth Mental Health First Aid 1083268 - 07/17/2025 Professional Development Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and r...
C.A.N. 2-day Boot Camp 1075345 - 07/22/2025 Professional Development Preparing and supporting the Special Education Teacher for setting up, managing, planning, and instr...
Business Manager Academy/Business Consulting Assistance 1051793 - 07/24/2025 Professional Development Business Manager Academy/Business Consulting Assistance
School Finance Symposium 1044590 - 07/30/2025 Professional Development As you close out 2021-22 school year and prepare for 2022-23, ESC 17 once again is briniging you the...
Tax Rate Adoption TASBO Training 1083975 - 07/31/2025 Professional Development TASBO tax rate adoption training with Amanda Brownson
HB 984: Diabetes Training for Unlicensed Caregivers 1045142 - 08/05/2025 Professional Development This workshop will provide training for all district unlicensed caregivers as identified by the prin...
HB 984: Diabetes Update Training: Session 1 1045144 - 08/06/2025 Professional Development This workshop will provide any new, current information on diabetes as well as provide the opportuni...
Business Manager Academy 1051794 - 08/06/2025 Professional Development These days will provide monthly reminders and updates to ensure successful business service operatio...
HB 984: Diabetes Update Training: Session 2 1045145 - 08/06/2025 Professional Development This workshop will provide any new, current information on diabetes as well as provide the opportuni...
Business Consulting Assistance 1053057 - 08/12/2025 Professional Development These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive consulting assistance o...
Business Manager Academy/Business Consulting Assistance 1051795 - 08/28/2025 Professional Development Business Manager Academy/Business Consulting Assistance
SAAH Updates and Reminders with TEA 1051767 - 09/10/2025 Professional Development TEA Staff from the division of financial audits and Student Attendance Accounting at TEA will review...