This workshop will provide training for all district unlicensed caregivers as identified by the principal. HB 984 specifies that each campus having an identified child/children with diabetes will train unlicensed caregivers to care for the student. Training should take place under the following guidelines:
A campus that has an identified child and has a nurse (can be R.N. or LVN according to guidelines) assigned to that campus full-time, can utilize the nurse and one unlicensed caregiver to care for the student.
If the campus does not have a nurse assigned to it full-time, then three (3) unlicensed caregivers must be trained for that campus where the child/children is/are attending.
The Education Service Center will provide two (2) Unlicensed Caregiver Trainings during the school year.
Participants will receive 7 hours of Professional Development upon completion of the course.