Calendar of Sessions

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Calendar of Sessions

 Catalog: Monday February 19, 2024
Return to February calendar.
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM 1005967-Professional Learning for Petersburg ISD
Petersburg ISD, Petersburg School
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 1007648-Dyslexia Update for Levelland ISD - Levelland High School only
Levelland ISD, Cactus Academic Center
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM 1007649-Dyslexia Update for Levelland ISD - For Levelland Middle School only
Levelland ISD, Cactus Academic Center
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM 1007650-Dyslexia Update for Levelland ISD - For Levelland Elementary Teachers only
Levelland ISD, Cactus Academic Center

Monday 12/2/2024
EDGAR Compliance Training
Region 17 ESC, South Conference A

With the addition of multiple federal grant op...

Short-Constructed Responses
Levelland ISD, Levelland H S
An in-depth look at SCRs in the Reading Language Arts, Science, and Social Stud...

Tuesday 12/3/2024
Covey Leadership Series
Region 17 ESC, South Conference B
Various leadership topics associated and/or presented by Covey coaches.

Year-Round RLA STAAR Prep. (Elementary)
Region 17 ESC, South Conference A
Internalizing the details and specificity of the upcoming units' content, knowl...

Mental Health Matters - Substance Use
Region 17 ESC, Zoom
Join us as we explore several evidenced-based strategies and techniques for wor...

TELPAS Alternate Administration Training
Region 17 ESC, Neely

This session will provide TELPAS Alternate administration training on requir...

Wednesday 12/4/2024
Region 17 Federal Programs Café Conversations
Region 17 ESC, Zoom
This meeting will provide you with quick tips and updates for Federal Programs ...

Business Manager Academy
Region 17 ESC, Rogers

These days will provide monthly reminders and updates to ensure successful b...

Technology Solutions
Region 17 ESC, Neely

These meetings are a ti...

Thursday 12/5/2024
TSDS Update for Business Fall PEIMS
Region 17 ESC, Zoom

ESC17 will review some important information ...

Live on Purpose Committee Meeting
Region 17 ESC, Rogers
Planning Meeting

Friday 12/6/2024
Special Education Directors
Region 17 ESC, North Conference Main Hall
Special Education Directors

Monday 12/9/2024
Prepping for Paraprofessional Success: Strategies for Enhanced Classroom Support
Tahoka ISD, District Office

Tuesday 12/10/2024
Transition Tuesday
Region 17 ESC, Zoom

Join in this monthly 1 ...

Eureka Math Internalization Day
Region 17 ESC, Rogers

K-12 State-wide STEM Teacher/Leader Training
Region 17 ESC, South Conference Science Lab
Business Consulting Assistance
Region 17 ESC, North Conference Main Hall 1
These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive co...

G/T Administrators/Counselors Training: Nature & Needs/Service Options/SE Learning
Region 17 ESC, Neely

This G/T training will meet the state requirements for both the Administrato...

Historically Speaking Lunch and Learn: Update on Civics Training Program
Region 17 ESC, Zoom

Please join this very quick zoom for the latest information about the new Ci...

Wednesday 12/11/2024
MEP: Migrant Education Programs
Region 17 ESC, South Conference B
Migrant Education Programs 

Eureka Math Internalization Day
Region 17 ESC, Rogers

Amplify Internalization 2024-2025
Region 17 ESC, Douglas

MTSS Lunch & Learn (Virtual Series)
Region 17 ESC, Zoom

This virtual series foc...

A Bright Beginning - Lessons and Activities for Literacy and Math
Region 17 ESC, Neely

Thursday 12/12/2024
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Region 17 ESC, Neely

All about Transition- Assessment, Writing Goals, and Coordinated Set of Activities
Region 17 ESC, South Conference C

Unlocking the Future: AI Integration in CTE
Region 17 ESC, South Conference B

Amplify Internalization 2024-2025
Region 17 ESC, Douglas

Friday 12/13/2024
Region 17 ESC, South Conference F

This session is for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVI) and ...

Speech-Language Pathology Webinar Series
Region 17 ESC, Zoom

This webinar series is a collaboration by all 20 Texas ESC's. Provided are t...

DHH Professional Learning Community
Region 17 ESC, Neely
ESC 17 Parent-Infant Advisors, Itinerant teachers, Teachers of the Deaf, RDSPD ...

Monday 12/16/2024
Carnegie Learning Internalization Day
Region 17 ESC, Neely
Preparing Teachers for Successful Delivery of Carnegie Learning Lessons

Tuesday 12/17/2024
Carnegie Learning Internalization Day
Region 17 ESC, Neely
Preparing Teachers for Successful Delivery of Carnegie Learning Lessons

Enhancing IEPs: Ensuring Quality and Rigor
Region 17 ESC, Douglas

Wednesday 12/18/2024
AUesome Wednesdays
Region 17 ESC, Zoom

Business Manager Academy/Business Consulting Assistance
Region 17 ESC, North Conference Main Hall 1
Business Manager Academy/Business Consulting Assistance

We are passionately committed to developing and nurturing healthy, thriving learning communities across Region 17 by guiding and supporting schools in their quest for excellence.

Get in Touch

Region 17 Education Service Center
1111 West Loop 289 | Lubbock, TX 79416
Voice: 806-792-4000 | Fax: 806-792-1523

Business Hours: Monday - Friday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Per HB 462, resources and services provided by Region 17 ESC are solely aligned with, and designed to support, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) adopted by the State Board of Education.

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