Education Service Center (ESC) 17 is pleased to extend an invitation to you to participate in a meeting to discuss feedback on work group draft recommendations from the 2024 CTE TEKS review and revision for courses in the following programs of study:
The State Board of Education (SBOE) CTE TEKS review process calls for ESCs to collect feedback from educators in their regions on work group draft recommendations. Feedback from ESC focus groups will be submitted to TEA and provided to the SBOE and work group members.
The ESC meeting for the 2024 CTE TEKS review will begin with an overview of the CTE TEKS review process and an update on the review. Participants will then participate in a focus group to respond to a series of questions to collect feedback on the draft recommendations. Topics will include an overall impression of the proposed changes, balance of competencies, business and industry knowledge and skills, and postsecondary readiness. To prepare for the meeting, participants should review in advance the draft recommendations with these topics in mind.