The Nonviolent Crisis Intervention program is a safe, non-harmful behavior management system designed to help provide the best care, welfare, safety and security to those involved in crisis situations. This program focuses on prevention and teaches that physical intervention is to be used only as a last resort, when a student presents an imminent danger to self or others. All physical interventions are designed to be non-harmful and to maintain the student's dignity. This workshop is for participants who are new to CPI and/or their certificate is expired.
The following is a link to the Texas Behavioral Support Initiative (TBSI) training modules. The Texas Behavior Support Initiative (TBSI) is a state-level training mandated by Senate Bill 1196 and Texas Administrative Code 89.1053. TBSI provides foundational knowledge for the use of positive behavior interventions and supports for all students, including students with disabilities. TBSI meets legislative requirements related to procedures for the use of restraint and time-out and provides a framework for sharing a wide range of foundational-level behavior strategies and prevention-based schoolwide, classroom, and individual interventions
Link to TBSI Modules on TEALearn