Session Detail

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Session Detail

Eureka Math Internalization Day
2nd Grade Module 5


Important Session Information:

Take a deep dive into module and lesson internalization of Eureka Math by grade levels as we develop a cohort of teachers throughout the region.

Participants will spend the day internalizing Eureka Math using protocols the Texas Education Agency developed.

Module Internalization provides teachers with an understanding of how each lesson fits into the big picture. The Teacher Lesson Internalization Protocol provides a step-by-step process for understanding each lesson prior to teaching, including what students will be learning, how students will be assessed, and how teachers can support all learners in meeting the rigor of the instructional materials.

As a result of our learning, participants will:

  • be fully prepared to implement Eureka Math to their students immediately.
  • become part of a grade-level cohort of participants throughout the region.
  • be supported in preparing to teach with the High-Quality Instructional Materials, Eureka Math.

Please bring printed module materials, as they will be necessary for our day of learning. If you do not have access, please contact me prior to make arrangements.

Dimension 2.2: Content Knowledge and Expertise

Registration for this session has ended

Session ID:
Credits Available:
(6) CPE
Seats Available:
$0.00 (* No Charge)
Contact Person:
Debbie Trigo
Mary Castaneda
Teacher (K-3), Teacher (4-5)
Date Time Location
12/11/2024 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Region 17 ESC - Rogers
We are passionately committed to developing and nurturing healthy, thriving learning communities across Region 17 by guiding and supporting schools in their quest for excellence.

Get in Touch

Region 17 Education Service Center
1111 West Loop 289 | Lubbock, TX 79416
Voice: 806-792-4000 | Fax: 806-792-1523

Business Hours: Monday - Friday | 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Per HB 462, resources and services provided by Region 17 ESC are solely aligned with, and designed to support, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) adopted by the State Board of Education.

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