Local agencies (within Region 17) call 806-281-5701 for registration code.
The Region 17 Education Service Center is excited to announce the annual professional development conference dedicated to Special Education topics. This three-day conference will provide many opportunities for participants to learn and engage in all specialty areas.
Click here for all Conference Documents
Region 17 is partnering with Texas Tech University Burkhart Center for Autism Education & Research to provide the conference.
This conference will offer 6.0 CEs each day (pending approval) for LPCs, LSSPs, Social Workers and Speech Pathologist.
Participants will only be granted credit for the breakout sessions attended.
Location: Region 17 Education Service Center 1111 West Loop 289, Lubbock, TX 79416
Conference Fee: $25.00 Region 17 districts
$125.00 out of Region
If you are a parent of a child with special needs within Region 17 or have questions about the conference, contact Alma Reinhart or Evelyn Gilson.
Please have your method of payment available at the time of registration.
Registration closes May 25th.
Conference cancellations must be made by May 25th in order to receive a refund.
For Registration questions contact Alma Reinhart at 806-281-5701 or areinhart@esc17.net
For Payment questions contact Evelyn Gilson at 806-281-5867 or egilson@esc17.net