Tuesday 10/1/2024 State Assessment Training for 2024-2025 Region 17 ESC, South Conference B Principals Academy Region 17 ESC, Neely Principals Academy
Autism 101 Region 17 ESC, South Conference D
Differentiation...Juggling Skills Not Required Region 17 ESC, South Conference C Differentiated instruction doesn't have to be a juggling act. Participant...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 2: The Dyslexia Handbook Region 17 ESC, North Conference Main Hall
Eureka Math Internalization Day Region 17 ESC, Rogers
Navigating the New Science TEKS: Grades 3-5Region 17 ESC, South Conference Science Lab Join a community of planning and practice aligned to the new science TEKS.
Carnegie Learning Internalization Day Region 17 ESC, Lecture Hall Preparing Teachers for Successful Delivery of Carnegie Learning Lessons
Autism Supplement Region 17 ESC, South Conference D
Wednesday 10/2/2024 State Assessment Training for 2024-2025 Region 17 ESC, South Conference B CTE Experienced Counselor Training: Planning for Comprehensive K-12 College and Career Readiness Advising Region 17 ESC, South Conference C Experienced School Counselor Module 2: Planning for Comprehensive K-12 College ...
Region 17 Federal Programs Café Conversations Region 17 ESC, Zoom This meeting will provide you with quick tips and updates for Federal Programs ...
T-TESS for Field Supervisors of Teaching Certificate Candidates Region 17 ESC, South Conference F
Field Supervi...
Taking a Look at the New Social Studies TEKS Region 17 ESC, Rogers This session will provide time to learn the additions and changes to our K-12 S...
Year-Round RLA STAAR Prep. (Elementary) Region 17 ESC, South Conference D Internalizing the details and specificity of the upcoming units' content, knowl...
Carnegie Learning Internalization Day Region 17 ESC, Lecture Hall Preparing Teachers for Successful Delivery of Carnegie Learning Lessons
Technology Solutions Region 17 ESC, Neely
These meetings are a ti...
Bite-Sized PD: 504 Series Region 17 ESC, Zoom This series provides ongoi...
Thursday 10/3/2024 Region 17 Gifted and Talented Director/Coordinator/Contact Meeting Region 17 ESC, Neely
The Gifted and Talented Contact meetings o...
College Tour -- Road to Academic Success Region 17 ESC, South Conference D
Join us for a college tour designed specifically...
Navigating the New Science TEKS: Middle School Region 17 ESC, South Conference Science Lab Join a community of planning and practice aligned to the new science TEKS.
Instructional Leaders PLC Region 17 ESC, South Conference A We will use this time to grow as leaders and learn important updates from the s...
Friday 10/4/2024 Curriculum Team Meeting Region 17 ESC, Douglas Curriculum Team Meeting
Monday 10/7/2024 Region 17's 8th Grade Social Studies U Session #2 Region 17 ESC, Rogers
Tuesday 10/8/2024 The Teaching Path-Region 17's First Year Teacher Academy Region 17 ESC, South Conference F Psychological First Aid (PFA) Region 17 ESC, South Conference C
Psychological First Aid...
Eureka Math Internalization Day Region 17 ESC, Rogers
K-12 Behavioral Threat Assessment Engagement EventRegion 17 ESC, South Conference B Join TEA’s Paul Smith, Senior Agent of S...
Wednesday 10/9/2024GT 30 Hour Seminar Series - Day 2 - Identification & Assessment of the Gifted Region 17 ESC, Neely
This is day two of a five-day, 30-hour t...
Launch_K5 Computer Science Region 17 ESC, South Conference Science Lab Launch_K5 CS is a program that empowers K-5 educators with the tools and traini...
ESSER Annual Reporting Training Region 17 ESC, Zoom
During this training we will review the annual reporting requirements and wh...
The Administrative Review (AR) Process for CACFP (Live, Online) Region 17 ESC, Zoom
MTSS Lunch & Learn (Virtual Series) Region 17 ESC, Zoom
This virtual series foc...
Thursday 10/10/2024 Youth Mental Health First Aid Region 17 ESC, Neely
MEP: Migrant Education Programs Region 17 ESC, Lecture Hall Migrant Education Programs
It's Not Just Circles! Tier 1 Restorative Practices Region 17 ESC, South Conference B Come and di...
Navigating the New Science TEKS: High School Region 17 ESC, South Conference Science Lab Join a community of planning and practice aligned to the new science TEKS.
Meal Production Records for Child and Adult Centers and At-Risk Afterschool Program and Emergency Shelters (Breakfast, Snack, Lunch, Supper) - Live, Online Region 17 ESC, Zoom
A Bright Beginning - Lessons and Activities for Literacy and Math Region 17 ESC, Neely
Friday 10/11/2024 Special Education Directors Region 17 ESC, South Conference F Special Education Directors
Speech Sound Disorders: Assessment, Target Selection, Evidence-Based Strategies & Integrated Activity-Based Intervention Region 17 ESC, Zoom
Join Kelly Ve...
R17 Special Education Leadership Network Region 17 ESC, South Conference F
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Itinerant PLC Region 17 ESC, Douglas Please join us as we learn and grow as a collaborative PLC. Sessions will...
Monday 10/14/2024 Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (CPI) - Initial Training Region 17 ESC, South Conference C
Tuesday 10/15/2024 CTE and PEIMS - Connecting the Dots Region 17 ESC, South Conference B
Decoding and the Emerging Reader Region 17 ESC, South Conference A
College Tour -- Road to Career and Industry Success Region 17 ESC, South Conference D
Join us for a college tour designed specifically...
What Students with Down Syndrome Want Educators to Know Region 17 ESC, South Conference C
Eureka Math Internalization Day Region 17 ESC, Rogers
Business Consulting AssistanceRegion 17 ESC, North Conference Main Hall 1 These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive co...Year-Round RLA STAAR Prep. (Secondary) Region 17 ESC, South Conference F Internalizing the details and specificity of the upcoming units' content, knowl...
Wednesday 10/16/2024Homeless Education Network Roundtable Region 17 ESC, South Conference F
Join us for our quarterly roundtable where homeless liaisons, administrators...
Decoding and the Struggling Reader Region 17 ESC, South Conference A
Why attend?...
Productive Struggle in the Mathematics Classroom Region 17 ESC, South Conference B Engaging students in productive problem solving
Live on Purpose Committee Meeting Region 17 ESC, South Conference F Planning Meeting
Sprouting Stories: Creative Writing in Prekindergarten for All Students Region 17 ESC, Neely
Unlock the magic of writing with our youngest learners in this engaging work...
Thursday 10/17/2024 Library In-Service for Region 17 Librarians Idalou ISD, Idalou H S Hosted by Idalou ISD
Connecting With Counselors Region 17 ESC, South Conference C
Connecting with Counselors is designed for 2nd year plus counselors who woul...
CTE TEKS Review Focus Group Region 17 ESC, South Conference B
Education S...
Friday 10/18/2024 BVI PLC Region 17 ESC, South Conference F
This session is for Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVI) and ...
Speech-Language Pathology Webinar Series Region 17 ESC, Zoom
This webinar series is a collaboration by all 20 Texas ESC's. Provided are t...
Texas Dyslexia Academy 3: Considerations for Emergent Bilingual Students Region 17 ESC, South Conference A
Monday 10/21/2024 Texas Investment Officer Training with Mike Allison Region 17 ESC, South Conference A
State Law requires Invest...
Dual Credit Admission and Registration 101 Region 17 ESC, South Conference F Please plan to join us as we host the dual credit team from South Plains Colleg...
Tuesday 10/22/2024 Transition Tuesday Region 17 ESC, Zoom Session
Join in this monthly 1 ...
State Testing Accommodation Review Region 17 ESC, South Conference B We will look at the District and Campus Coordinator Resource (DCCR) and take an...
Introduction to LEGO robotics and the Get Excited About Robotics (GEAR) Competition Region 17 ESC, South Conference C
Ensuring Compliance with the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students Region 17 ESC, Neely
ECSE - Professional Learning Community (PLC) Region 17 ESC, Douglas This PLC support...
Wednesday 10/23/2024 ACE's, PACE's, & Resilience: Understanding trauma to help students find hope & healing Region 17 ESC, South Conference F Join us as we explore the critical concepts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (A...
Experienced CTE Administrator Training: Supporting CTE Teachers Region 17 ESC, South Conference B Account Coding Workshop Region 17 ESC, South Conference A
This workshop will be an overview of the TEA account codes included in Modul...
Prekindergarten Teacher Professional Learning Community Region 17 ESC, Neely
Come learn about and sh...
Thursday 10/24/2024 Ag in Any Classroom Region 17 ESC, South Conference A
Join Texas ...
Middle of the Year (MOY) LPAC Region 17 ESC, Lecture Hall This sessi...
Assistive Technology (AT) Myth Busters Region 17 ESC, Neely Discover the cutting-edge federal guidelines on IDEA's assistive technology (AT...
Exceptional Learner PLC Region 17 ESC, South Conference F
Business Consulting Assistance Region 17 ESC, South Conference E These work days are available for district staff to come to ESC17 to receive co...
Eureka Math Internalization Day Region 17 ESC, Douglas
Amplify Internalization 2024-2025Region 17 ESC, South Conference C Exceptional Learner PLC Region 17 ESC, South Conference F
Friday 10/25/2024 Standards-Based IEP Process: Supplemental Training for Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) Region 17 ESC, Douglas
Carnegie Learning Internalization Day Region 17 ESC, Neely Preparing Teachers for Successful Delivery of Carnegie Learning Lessons
Amplify Internalization 2024-2025 Region 17 ESC, South Conference C
Monday 10/28/2024 MTSS Round - UP Region 17 ESC, South Conference A
Tuesday 10/29/2024 Middle of the Year (MOY) LPAC Region 17 ESC, Lecture Hall This sessi...
Launch_K5 Computer Science Region 17 ESC, South Conference Science Lab Launch_K5 CS is a program that empowers K-5 educators with the tools and traini...
AEL (Advancing Educational Leadership) Region 17 ESC, South Conference C Now more than ever, effective school leaders are critical to successful student...
Eureka Math Internalization Day Region 17 ESC, Rogers